Apache Ignite vs Hazelcast: An Unbiased Comparison

October 01, 2021


When it comes to big data processing, Apache Ignite and Hazelcast are two of the most popular options for organizations worldwide. Both platforms offer impressive performance and scalability while providing a comprehensive suite of features tailored to the needs of modern organizations.

But which one is better for your organization? In this blog post, we'll dive deep into Apache Ignite vs. Hazelcast and provide an unbiased comparison of their strengths and weaknesses.


When it comes to performance, both Apache Ignite and Hazelcast perform exceptionally well. However, Apache Ignite has a slight edge on this front.

According to a recent benchmark testing conducted by GridGain Systems, Apache Ignite outperformed Hazelcast in several categories, including put and get time, set and get time, and throughput.


Both Apache Ignite and Hazelcast are horizontally scalable and can be deployed across multiple nodes. However, Apache Ignite takes the lead on this front as well.

Apache Ignite allows for more massive clusters by enabling an unlimited number of nodes across multiple data centers. Hazelcast, on the other hand, has a limitation on the number of nodes that can be added to a cluster due to its strict network partitioning approach.

Feature Set

Both Apache Ignite and Hazelcast provide a comprehensive suite of features to help organizations manage their big data needs. However, Apache Ignite takes the lead on this front.

Apache Ignite offers additional features like machine learning algorithms, deep learning support, and enhanced SQL support. Hazelcast also provides a wide range of features, but it doesn't have the same level of sophistication as Apache Ignite when it comes to big data processing.

Ease of Use

When it comes to ease of use, both platforms provide a user-friendly interface and are relatively easy to configure. However, Hazelcast has a slight edge in this area.

Hazelcast comes with an intuitive and easy-to-use web-based management console that enables administrators to monitor their cluster's health and performance. Apache Ignite, on the other hand, requires more advanced configuration and management abilities, which means that users with less technical expertise may find it more challenging to set up.


Finally, when it comes to pricing, both Apache Ignite and Hazelcast offer a range of pricing models to cater to different organizational needs. However, Hazelcast takes the lead on this front.

Hazelcast offers a free community edition as well as a robust enterprise edition with flexible pricing options. Apache Ignite, on the other hand, requires a commercial license for production use, which may be a disadvantage for smaller organizations with limited budgets.


In conclusion, both Apache Ignite and Hazelcast are excellent choices for organizations that need to manage large amounts of big data. However, Apache Ignite takes the lead in terms of performance, scalability, and overall feature set, while Hazelcast offers better ease of use and more flexible pricing.

Ultimately, the choice between Apache Ignite and Hazelcast will depend on your organization's specific requirements and priorities.


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